In order to be in a position to provide services of an exceptional quality Carinya Society charges certain fees for services provided.

We will provide you with information regarding any additional fees or charges required in regards to a particular service provision prior to your commencement of this service. Additional charges however may be charged when a specific individual’s choices are above and beyond those of normal service delivery.

The fee structures outlined below are in addition to any funding allocated to a person with a disability by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as Individual Support Packages (ISPs) or National Disability Insurance Scheme Package (NDIS) or any other allocated funding by a Government Authority which provides for direct staffing support.

Carinya Society’s fee structure comprises of:

Program and Recreation and Leisure Fees

  • These fees contribute towards the cost of activities, programs and operational expenses (other than staff wages). Examples of these costs include materials, equipment, specialised facilitators and entrance fees to venues, community access, insurances, compliance, amenities, maintenance, and assisting in reducing the deficit between Government funding and the actual cost of operating the service.

Transport Fees

  • Participants who utilise the centre-managed transport to travel to and from Carinya Society will pay an amount equal to the Mobility Allowance each fortnight. Pro rata charges will apply for part time attendance.

Click here to download the Fee Structure Procedure.

Click here to download the NDIS Support Services Cancellation Policy.

Please see below for an indication of Carinya Society’s fees and charges. Fee structures are updated annually on 1st July and the ones listed here should be used as a guide only. Mobility allowances are updated more regularly. For the most up to date fees and charges summary, or for further information about them, please contact our Administration Manager Joanne Francis on 03 9354 3337.

Mariza on the swing
Having fun on the swing
Carinya Society – Weekly Fees as at 01/07/2017

Adults 21 years and over

No. Days Attending Program Fees Transport Fees Rec. & Leisure Fees Total
5 $33.75 $47.05 $8.60 $89.40
4 $27.00 $37.65 $8.60 $73.25
3 $20.25 $28.25 $8.60 $57.10
2 $13.50 $18.80 $8.60 $40.90
1 $6.75 $9.40 $8.60 $24.75

Adults aged 18-21 receive a 25% discount

No. Days Attending Program Fees Transport Fees Rec. & Leisure Fees Total
5 $25.25 $47.05 $8.60 $80.90
4 $20.20 $37.65 $8.60 $66.45
3 $15.15 $28.25 $8.60 $52.00
2 $10.10 $18.80 $8.60 $37.50
1 $5.05 $9.40 $8.60 $23.05

*Fee structure to be used as a guide only

Thank you to our supporters

our sponsors
Astro Graphic
People Outdoors
Coburg Lions
The Pod